I do not normally submit something private on right here. I needed to put down Honey the Cat at present. She’s been with me and my household since August 2007. She was a loving and really good woman. She was identified for all the time licking folks and sleeping on their chest.. and all the time obeying the foundations of the home — one thing extraordinary in most cats.
Typically she would hang around on my lap whereas I browsed all through the years, or extra generally, sleeping in the identical room.
My dad and I mentioned our goodbyes to her this morning. Honey was alongside me typically while I did my day by day *********** on the dailywaifu posts. So I might argue to say she was as shut to a different FJ consumer as a cat may be.
Drop a salute gif or one thing, or simply say a passing goodbye to a considered one of a sort cat. She’ll be missed dearly.